Section 13 of the County Governments Act provides that there shall be a Clerk to the County Assembly appointed by CASB with the approval of the County Assembly. The office of the Clerk and members of staff are offices in the County Assembly Service.
The Clerk of the County Assembly is the Chief Executive Officer in the County Assembly. His/ her functions and powers, with few modifications, are the same as the functions and powers of the Clerk of National Assembly. The Clerk oversees the various departments in County Assembly service. The functions of the Office of Clerk include the following:
- Chief procedural advisor to the Speaker, other presiding officers and Members of the County Assembly on all legislative procedures, practices, conventions and traditions;
- The Chief Advisor to the Speaker in the exercise of all powers and functions that belong to the Speaker and through the Speaker, to the Assembly;
- Responsible for marshalling legislative measures passed by the County Assembly;
- The Accounting Officer of the County Assembly;
- Authorized Officer for the County Assembly;
- Secretary to the County Assembly Service Board;
- Responsible for implementation of all policy decisions of the County Assembly Service Board;
- Responsible for enhancing public understanding and knowledge of the work of the County Assembly and increasing public accessibility;
- Custodian of the institutional memory of the County Assembly.